Live Edge Benches and Why Your Home Needs One

A live edge bench is a broad term to describe any wooden bench that has been made using a live edge slab rather than typical lumber that you can find at any big box store. This includes benches with a back, benches without a back, benches for your dining table, or benches for your front porch and everything in between!
Live Edge Benches

A live edge bench is a broad term to describe any wooden bench that has been made using a live edge slab rather than typical lumber that you can find at any big box store. This includes benches with a back, benches without a back, benches for your dining table, or benches for your front porch and everything in between! At The Lumber Shack, we take great pride in the slabs we have up for sale and believe that your wooden bench would be all the better with it!

Live Edge Bench

What can I Use a Live Edge Bench For?

While our favorite place to see a live edge bench is outside under a huge porch, there are many other uses for live edge benches. We at The Lumber Shack have compiled a few different ways that you can add a live edge bench to your home’s décor:

Front Porch

Benches are a great addition to anyone’s front porch! Whether you use it solely for decoration or like to people watch from it, a live edge bench can add some much needed life to your porch. One thing to consider if you use a live edge bench outdoors is that you will likely have to refinish it sooner rather than later – especially if you live in a climate that has drastic changes in the weather throughout the year. Since moisture levels vary much more outdoors than they do in a controlled, indoor climate, the wood could be more prone to cracking over time

Dining Table Bench Seat

Do you have a bunch of children or grandchildren running around your house? Are you tired of having to deal with chairs pulled out from the table every time that you turn around? A live edge bench to replace all of those troublesome chairs makes this problem a bit more tolerable. With just one bench to keep track of, it is much easier to both wrangle the kiddos and also keep your space looking clean.

Entryway Bench

If you are sick and tired of bending down to tie your shoes or need somewhere to put things when you walk in the door, an entryway bench might be the right fit for your home. If you want to step it up another notch, make it a live edge bench!

To Wrap it All Up...

Keep an eye out on our social media accounts for plenty of live edge furniture project ideas! If you have questions that you would prefer to discuss with us directly, feel free to chat in on our website, give us a call, or send us an email! One of our Wood Experts will be happy to help!